

The Visit to the BVC at Four Years of Age

What happens during the visit at four years of age? (1)

When you come to the BVC for the visit at four years of age, you get to meet the nurse. She has a train with pictures of all the things you get to do.

What happens during the visit at four years of age? (2)

Then you get measured to see how tall you’ve grown. You have to put your heels against the wall.

What happens during the visit at four years of age? (3)

There’s a scale that you get to stand on to see how heavy you are. Then you have to take your clothes off and just be in your underwear. Otherwise your clothes might get weighed.

What happens during the visit at four years of age? (4)

There’s a sign with letters on the wall. The nurse will point to the letters. Then the child gets to wear a pirate’s patch and has his or her own picture to point to. That way the nurse can check your eyes to see how well you can see.

What happens during the visit at four years of age? (5)

The child gets to wear headphones. They’re quite big. You can hear small beeps in them if you listen very carefully. Then you have to show you’ve heard the beep. If you hear it then your hearing is good.

What happens during the visit at four years of age? (6)

You also have to draw a man on a piece of paper.

What happens during the visit at four years of age? (7)

Sometimes you get to play memory with the nurse. Then you have to try and remember where the pictures were.

What happens during the visit at four years of age? (8)

You get to play while the nurse talks to your parents. Or do a bit more drawing. Then you say goodbye and thank you for today!