Sex and Gender Analysis Policies of Major Granting Agencies
A variety of international, national, and private granting organizations require sex and gender analysis. Grantees may be required to address how their projects will promote:
- Equal representation of men and women in employment, decision-making, and as clinical research subjects (fixing the numbers)
- Removing institutional barriers to gender equality (fixing the institutions)
- Employing sex and gender analysis as a resource to create new knowledge and technologies.
Organization | Policy to: | Policy to: | Policy to: | Policy to Integrate |
Austrian Research Promotion Agency | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
| Yes | Yes | Yes |
European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation | Yes | Yes | Yes |
French Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) | Yes | Yes | Initiatives |
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Agricultural Development Grants | Yes | Yes | Yes |
German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) | Yes | Yes | No | |
Irish Research Council | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Research Council of Norway (Norges forskningsråd) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) | Yes | Yes | No |
World Health Organization (WHO) | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Works Cited
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). (2012). Gender, Sex and Health Research Guide: A Tool for CIHR Applicants. Enacted December 2010.
- Clayton, J. & F. Collins, (2014). NIH to Balance Sex in Cell and Animal Studies. Nature, 509, 282-283.
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaf. (2008). The DFG's Research-Oriented Standards on Gender Equality. Enacted August 2008.
- European Commission. (2003). European Commission Deputy-General for Research, Technology, and Development Vademecum. Enacted March 2003.
- European Commission. (2011). Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council: Establishing Horizon 2020‚ The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, 2014-2020, Article 15. Brussels: European Commission.
- European Commission. (2013). Fact sheet: Gender Equality in Horizon 2020. Brussels, Dec. 9.
- European Commission. (2014). Vademecum on Gender Equality in Horizon 2020. Brussels: RTD-B7 Science with and for Society.
- Gates Foundation. (2008). Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation Gender Impact Strategy. Enacted June 2008.
- Gates Foundation. (2013). Agricultural Development: Creating Gender-Responsive Agricultural Development Programs.
- Gobierno de España Ministerio de la Presidencia (Trans. Sánchez de Madariaga, I.) (2011). Disposiciones Generales. Boletín Oficial del Estado, 131 (1), 54387-54455.
- Irish Research Council (2013a). Research Project Grants Schemes, Terms and Conditions (search doc for "gender").
- Irish Research Council (2013b). Research Project Grants Schemes, Application Form (search doc for "gender").
- Irish Research Council Gender Strategy & Action Plan, 2013-2020.
- NIH. (2001). Amendment to NIH Policy and Guidelines on the Inclusion of Women and Minorities as Subjects in Clinical Research. Enacted October 2001.
- Research Council of Norway, Gender Balance and Gender Perspectives in Research and Innovation: Policy for the Research Council of Norway, 2013-2017. February 2014.
- WHO. (2002). WHO Gender Policy. Enacted May 2002.